It is in our ability to think

We take it for granted our ability to think. Often it happens unconsciously i.e. we don’t even know that we are doing it until we bring it into focus (like when we breathe). As much as it is a blessing it turns into a curse if done unconsciously.If we inspect our thoughts, too many of them are repetitive and destructive. We brood over our lack of resources, past failures, betrayals, missed opportunities, etc. They only generate a sense of self- pity, anger, jealousy etc with nothing constructive coming out of them.  I am sure you would have read enough literature on similar lines, so I don’t want to repeat what you know already.

The purpose of this post is to remind you (also remind myself) to be cheerful, look for possibilities when presented with a problem, solve it in a creative way and become wiser. What better way to learn to appreciate our ability to think, then to watch an animal which is endowed with even lesser faculties than we have, that goes about solving problems.

Recently I saw a video clip (see below and click on play) in which a chimpanzee does a courier job. Let me admit that I don’t know the Japanese language as well as the purpose of this experiment (if I can call it as one) as all the commentary of the events is in that language. However as we see the clip; we can get a feel of the situation, draw conclusions and we won’t be far off the mark.

Here is my interpretation of the events:

Pan fails to notice how the package (lunchbox) is tied on the carrier (James in our case) for safe delivery
Still it takes its job seriously and later it makes it up by its persistence. It didn’t come back with some lame excuses for a failed mission.
When coming to an intersection, it decides to go one way after some deliberation. May be it had drawn from past experience or intuition. I don’t know which one. The point is it didn’t choose to remain stuck in one situation.
When it was time to cross the stream or creek, (a very complex operation for its intelligence) Pan chooses to pause and think for a minute and evaluate the risks involved. It chooses a course of action that minimizes the risks for everyone involved (James in this case).
Every step of the way Pan gives its due attention (and not lost in its thoughts about its past or future)
When it was sure that James could jump the last 1 meter, it uses all its persuasion (force in this case). I am sure Pan would have used other methods to persuade James if it can communicate with it (James). 
Finally Pan takes pride for a job well done (no matter how trivial or menial and not giving itself to thoughts of self-pity like “why me?”).

Incidentally did you notice that it didn’t miss to have fun while doing its job.
P.S. Those of my readers who know Japanese language if you could enlighten me/us about the actual experiment and commentary of events as they happen, I will be very thankful.

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