Ban on cigarette smoking

I am sorry if I had you drawn into reading this blog with a shocking title. Though I wish it were to be true, there is not yet a total ban on smoking cigarettes. But I believe we are going in the right direction. I am referring to a news article which states that soon there is going to be a ban on cigarette display in convenient stores in the province of Ontario. It might appear to be funny to see a transaction go through in a hush-hush manner while buying just a pack of cigarettes. But it is required.

I would even recommend that cigarettes be sold in specific outlets like the ones for buying liquor. And also restrict their sale at specific time of the day and some days of the week. The idea is not only to keep it away from the curious eyes of kids/youngsters but also to make it inconvenient for smokers who may otherwise pick it up from ‘convenience’ stores. I wouldn’t buy the argument that this will result in the loss of jobs. If you consider the cost to individuals themselves who smoke and the social cost incurred by the rest of us by way of increased medical attention given to smokers in the later years, these are small prices to pay.

In so far cigarette companies continue to make healthy profits even if their patrons tend to become unhealthy in the process, they will do all that they can to oppose such moves as outlined above. So we (smokers and non-smokers alike) should do all that we can to attach a stigma to cigarette smoking. Youngsters tend to pick up the habit of smoking at parties and told by their friends that to smoke a cigarette is a cool-thing to do. They should be made to realize that their identity or self worth is not derived in holding a roll of tobacco between their fingers.

I very much look forward to the time (I don’t know if it will happen in my lifetime) when cigarettes are no longer sold in convenience stores or gas stations or any specific outlets. And that the cigarette companies have given up this business for good and have taken up some other businesses that add value to life, the farmers who hitherto cultivated tobacco have replaced it with some other cash crops to produce ; making productive use of their land.

When that happens you may still find some unscrupulous elements selling cigarettes to vulnerable customers in the dark alleys (in the wee hours of the night) just as they sell drugs now. Youngsters and potential smokers my advice to you: ‘don’t do drugs or cigarettes’.

One comment on “Ban on cigarette smoking”

  • The display ban might be a good long term solution but in the immediate it is causing quite a bit of problems. Didn’t you hear that over 10,000 convenience store owners in Ontario will not be ready for the May 31st display ban deadline? They haven’t found the ideal tobacco storage solution yet, and because of this they can face huge penalty fines. While I agree with you, I do not think the ban will deter smokers from buying but rather stop people from starting altogether.

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